Where can I purchase NAXEON accessories and parts?
You can purchase NAXEON accessories and parts directly from our Accessories & Parts store. Visit NAXEON Accessories & Parts Store to browse and buy our latest products.
Yes, once your order is shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number. You can use this tracking number to monitor the delivery status of your order.
Are there any warranties on NAXEON accessories and parts?
All NAXEON accessories and parts come with a one-year limited warranty against manufacturing defects. Please refer to our Warranty Policy for more details.
Can I install the accessories and parts myself?
In the Help Center section of the NAXEON App, we provide a series of videos on vehicle assembly and disassembly. These videos will guide you on how to disassemble and reassemble the components of your NAXEON I AM. If you encounter issues that you cannot resolve on your own, please take your vehicle to the nearest "fulfillment center" for repairs.
How can I find the right parts for maintenance and repair?
Our Accessories & Parts store categorizes parts by motorcycle model and type. Use the search and filter options to find the exact parts you need for maintenance and repair.
Which accessories can enhance your user experience?
Buying a side bag can provide additional storage space, allowing you to easily carry more essentials and personal items. Purchasing a booster can significantly shorten the charging time of vehicles, making your travel arrangements more convenient.
Can l get NAXEON apparel?
Yes, our lineup of branded apparel is available at Shop NAXEON. Keep tracking with our apparel shop.
How can i get NAXEON accessories and merchandies?
You can purchase it in our app store as well as our official website store.